Beer Basics David Nilsen Beer Basics David Nilsen

Introducing the Bean to Barstool Guide to Bocks Zine!

The Bean to Barstool Guide to Bocks zine looks at the history of Bocks, then highlights each major Bock style, looking at flavor profile, history, ingredients and processes, and commercial examples. Pairing guidance is given for cheese, chocolate, desserts, and main dishes. The highlight of the zine is an exclusive 8-page interview with Mari and Will Kemper of Chuckanut Brewery,one of the best lager breweries in the country. This interview has not been (and will not be) published anywhere besides this zine, so this is the only place to hear one of the best lager brewers in the country break down what makes a great Bock.

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Pairing Beer & Chocolate David Nilsen Pairing Beer & Chocolate David Nilsen

Introducing the Pairing Beer & Chocolate Zine

Bean to Barstool’s Pairing Beer & Chocolate zine is a 70-page, full-color zine provides all the information you need to begin pairing craft beer and craft chocolate on your own. The zine provides basic information on how beer and chocolate are made and how to taste them properly, then explains the process for pairing the two and how to plan and lead your own pairing at home. 54 pages of style-by-style guidelines and recommendations provide careful instructions for picking the right chocolate to pair with each beer style.

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