David Nilsen David Nilsen

Yellow Bird Chocolate & Albion Malleable Brewing

In this episode, host David Nilsen talks with Jenny Risner-Wade, owner and chocolate maker at Yellow Bird Chocolate, and Ben Wade, co-founder and brewer at Albion Malleable Brewing Company, both in Albion, Michigan. They talk about the collaborations between Yellow Bird and Albion Malleable, and the creative opportunities provided by having these businesses run side by side.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Flights Across America with Joel Geier

In this episode, David Nilsen talks with Joel Geier, author of Flights Across America: A Brewery Lover’s Journey. They discuss their love of beer flights and some of Joel’s favorite breweries and experiences while writing the book!

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Bite Sized: 5 Minutes with Nick Davis of One One Cacao

Today we hear from Nick Davis, the founder and chocolate maker at One One Cacao in Jamaica. Nick talks about some of the challenges facing cacao farmers and laborers in Jamaica, what needs to change give craft chocolate more visibility, and how making chocolate can help Nick’s family and other Jamaican families reclaim their heritage.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Coffee, Cacao, Cocktails, & Curiosity with Charlene Cabioch

In this episode, David Nilsen talks with barista and mixologist Charlene Cabioch about using coffee and cacao in cocktails, what happens during barista competitions and mixology competitions, and the role of curiosity in professional development.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Bonus: How to Pair Standard-Strength Porters and Stouts with Craft Chocolate

Standard-strength Porter and Stout styles such as American Porter, English Porter, Oatmeal Stout, Milk Stout, Irish Stout, and some American Stouts tend to cast a wide net when paired with chocolate and can work solidly with a wide range of chocolates. In this bonus episode, David Nilsen explains which types of craft chocolate to seek out and which to avoid when pairing with standard-strength Porters and Stouts.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Every Bean Has a Story: Monica Rogan of Goodnow Farms

In this episode, David Nilsen talks with Monica Rogan of Goodnow Farms Chocolate about her collaborations with Boston Harbor Distillery and Downeast Cider, the compatibility of coffee and cacao, developing unique flavor concepts for inclusion bars, and she finds the right profile to let single origin beans sing.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Bite Sized: 5 Minutes with Raven Hanna

Today we hear from Raven Hanna, a molecular biochemist and biophysicist and the author of the book One Cacao Tree: Backyard Cocoa, Tiny Fermentations, and Chocolate Making in the Tropics. In this clip, Raven talks about tasting everything we can to expand our flavor vocabularies, and about how creating stories around tasting experiences can help us remember those flavors.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Bonus: How to Pair Fruited Sours Ales with Craft Chocolate

Sour ales are a fantastic platform for fruit flavors. The acidity of the base beers dovetails with the brightness of the fruit and can help sell the flavors of the fruit more authentically. There are challenges to pairing these beers though, and most of them are related to variability of the beers themselves: there are so many different ways to make a fruited sour ale. In this bonus episode, David Nilsen walks through the different types of fruited sour ale and explains which types of craft chocolate and seek out and which to avoid when pairing with them.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Bite Sized: 5 Minutes with Brian Simpson of Riverbend Malt

Today we hear from Brian Simpson of Riverbend Malt in Asheville, North Carolina. Brian shares his thoughts on the meaning of local in craft beer. We prize beers that are brewed locally, but where are the ingredients from? Can a beer be local if it isn’t grown locally? Take a few minutes this morning to hear from Brian on what local or regional malt can do for beer.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Coffee, Chocolate, & Beer in Panama with Franz Zeimetz of Lost Origin Coffee Lab & Casa Bruja and Jaime Pérez of Bocao

In this episode we talk with Franz Zeimetz of Lost Origin Coffee Lab and Casa Bruja brewery and Jaime Pérez of Bocao chocolate, all from Panama. We discuss the state of craft chocolate, craft beer, and coffee in Panama, and a series of experiments and collaborations they've pursued between these three worlds. Franz has used raw cacao fruit from Jaime in a mixed-fermentation Saison, and is experimenting with various cacao and coffee fermentations.

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Chocolate Beer David Nilsen Chocolate Beer David Nilsen

Bite Sized: 5 Minutes with Hi-Wire Brewing on 10W-40 Stout

Hey, everyone. Welcome to Bean to Barstool Bite Sized, where we spend about 5 minutes with some of our favorite people from craft beer and craft chocolate. Today we hear from Hank Marshall and Peter Batinski at Hi-Wire Brewing in Asheville, North Carolina.  Hi-Wire brews an Imperial Stout line called 10W-40, made with French Broad Chocolate cacao, Dynamite coffee, and Ugandan vanilla, as well as a range of other flavor ingredients to evoke specific flavor concepts like Vietnamese coffee, blueberry crumble, or chocolate taco. Listen in as Hank and Peter talk about the base beer for 10w-40 and how they work with coffee, cacao, and vanilla.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Pairing Spirits and Chocolate with Shay Pal

While I mostly pair craft chocolate with craft beer here at Bean to Barstool, there's a world of great beverages out there for pairing with great chocolate. My good friend Shay Pal seems to have paired bars with most of them through her adventurous tasting and traveling. In this episode, Shay and I discuss how she approaches pairing with craft chocolate, how she avoids getting overwhelmed by the choices in front of her, and how she selects which spirit, wine, coffee, or cocktail to pair with any given bar.

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David Nilsen David Nilsen

Bonus: How to Pair IPAs with Craft Chocolate

IPAs are the most popular family of beer styles in craft beer today, they aren't the first beers most people think of for pairing with craft chocolate. While IPAs can pair beautifully with craft chocolate, it’s not an effortless pairing. IPAs present challenges that can lead to chocolate pairings with harsh, bitter, astringent, and/or clashing flavor qualities. In this bonus episode, we’ll look at some common styles of IPA, discuss their sensory attributes, and discuss chocolates to seek out and chocolates to avoid when planning pairings with each.

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