Beer & Chocolate Pairing Graphic for Pints & Panels

We love pairing beer and chocolate here at Bean to Barstool! There are so many varieties of each though that it can get a little confusing.

I recently reached out to Em Sauter, the cartoonist and Advanced Cicerone who runs the beer education cartoon company Pints & Panels, about creating an infographic for pairing craft beer and bean to bar chocolate. I provided the pairings, she provided the design and the whimsical illustrations, and our chocolate and beer pairing graphic was born.

The pairings given here are general and broad; there are certainly exceptions to these suggestions, and plenty more we could have gone with. Hopefully these provide some fun guidelines to get you started though! You can purchase a poster of this graphic on the Pints & Panels site here. Just select one of the Beer & Chocolate options from the “Size” drop-down menu.

You can also listen to Episode 25 for a much more detailed look at pairing beer and chocolate!


Painting Flavor with Artist Katie Clark Gabbard


Favorite Chocolates of 2021